

Mobile signing without a signature card

Remote signature in the eANVportal successfully started

In times of progressive digitization, the importance of mobile signing has increased significantly. With the new remote signature, it is possible to sign all disposal documents electronically, with a qualified signature, regardless of location. For example, a transporter can now sign the document directly from the driver’s cab without having to leave the vehicle. This is made possible by the elimination of the signature card and card reader, which are now replaced by the driver’s personal mobile phone.


The positive feedback reinforces the decision

The introduction of the remote signature as a smart solution for qualified signatures for all documents within the eANVportal has been implemented with great success. Many of our customers already sign their disposal documents in the eANVportal with their mobile phone without any problems and therefore do not need a signature card or card reader anymore.

The new signature process also runs without errors in interaction with the “Central Coordination Office” (ZKS) and the “Waste Monitoring System of the Federal States” (ASYS).

The advantages of a mobile signature are manifold. Particularly in the electronical waste verification procedure, it enables the complex disposal process to be designed flexibly and involves all parties.

This new procedure also makes it possible for other business processes to sign PDF documents with this eIDAS-compliant signature in a forgery-proof manner throughout Europe.

Please contact us at any time if you are interested in further information.


Helpful further links:

Go directly to the order and information of the “Remote signature for eANV and PDF


Mobile signing without a signature card